We can assess your child for any of the following:
ADHD and attention problems
Autism spectrum disorders
Cognitive functioning
Intellectual functioning
Executive functioning
Developmental delays
Language and speech disorders
Learning disabilities—from mild to severe including Reading, Writing, and Mathematics
Learning style—identifying strengths and weaknesses
Mood disorders and dysregulation
Neurological conditions (e.g. seizure disorders, brain tumors)
Neurodevelopmentally complex children
Special education advocacy and legal involvement, including mediation and Due Process hearings
Educational planning
Legal Services
Family Law Collaboration
Disputes that occur at the end of a marriage or long-term relationship can be destabilizing. This is particularly true of disagreements about residences, parenting time, and decision-making. In amicable situations, parents agree on decision making and parenting time schedules and submit an agreement to the court as a formality for approval. When parents are unable to reach an agreement, however, the court may appoint an evaluator to conduct an assessment to help resolve the dispute. Extensive expertise is necessary to properly conduct this type of evaluation, as they are complex undertakings that often involve multiple, serious allegations, which require detailed investigation and careful consideration of each family member’s point-of-view.
PCCA conducts 604.10 (b) and 604.10 (c) evaluations upon court appointment. We serve both Cook and Lake Counties. Evaluators at PCCA encompass both the legal and clinical experiences to ensure that child custody evaluations are completed with accurate, objective, and fair findings and opinions to aid the court concerning the bests interest of the children.
Special Education
PCCA has also developed an expertise in working with school districts to ensure that individuals receive the accommodations and placement they need as specified by law. In cases where parents have hired an attorney, we will work with them on placement decisions, advocate for the child, and serve as the liaison with the school.

The most important first step you can
take is an appropriate evaluation.

Psychotherapy Services
Individual Psychotherapy
In addition to evaluations, our clinicians offer individual therapy to children and adolescents. Our clinicians take an evidenced based approach to therapy, typically utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness techniques. PCCA works hard to make therapy enjoyable for children and adolescents, letting them know they are in a safe space to express themselves emotionally.
Being a parent is the most rewarding job you will ever have. It is also the most difficult. Whether you are struggling to keep calm, in constant conflict with your fourteen-year-old child, or would like to know more about the ins and outs of parenting children who are struggling in some aspect of their lives, we can help.
Family Consultation
Families are our specialty. We help families work through issues related to transitions, conflict, estrangement, and reunification. Our skilled clinicians provide services to ensure that the unique needs of all family members are given the attention they deserve.
Family Reunification
We specialize in helping parents and children reestablish the lines of communication. Our treatment plans are tailored to each family’s unique needs, but the goal remains the same: To foster safe, healthy, and rewarding parent and child relationships.